Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Five Hidden Sources of Energy Loss

Potential sources of energy loss are often hidden. Did you know leaks from ductwork and steam traps can waste energy? In addition, improperly tuned building controls can increase your heating and cooling costs.

Here are five sources of energy loss:

  1. 1. Duct System: Leaky ducts can lead to higher heating and cooling costs. While some leaks are easy to locate, testing systems can help to identify the extent of system leakage by finding hidden leaks.

  2. 2. Building Controls: Controls are designed to save energy. However, it is important to inspect and adjust building controls regularly to account for changes in building occupancy, seasonal changes, and to ensure that sensors and controls are integrated properly. A well-tuned building control system can save up to 30 percent on heating and cooling costs, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.  

  3. 3. Steam Traps: Industrial plants and many commercial facilities use steam for process and space heating. In steam systems that are not maintained regularly, up to 30 percent of steam traps may have failed, wasting energy by allowing live steam to escape.

  4. 4. Transformers: Distribution transformers reduce high-voltage power line electricity to the lower voltages needed for the electrical equipment in your facility. Transformers lose energy by being energized 24 hours per day, 365 days per year to serve a varying load.

  5. 5. Personal appliances: Discourage the use of personal appliances such as space heaters by maintaining building temperatures at a comfortable range of 68°F to 78°F.

Reduce your operating costs and improve overall efficiency by uncovering these energy losses. Read the entire article by visiting Duke Energy.

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